Thursday, August 28, 2008



With the recent influx of Korean tourists and investors in Subic Bay Freeport, SBMA management launched a Korean Language & Culture Training Program to enhance services rendered to these foreign guests. And i'm one of the lucky employees of SBMA who were given the privilege to attend the course for free!

The program that started on May 14, 2008 was held bi-weekly during Wednesdays and Thursdays at the Admiral's Guest House. Btw, the program focuses on the Korean language and their culture, as well. To tell you honestly, i've gone nuts memorizing their alphabet and writing them into words.

And today, August 28, 2008, marks the closing ceremony for the Korean Language and Culture Training. Everyone was happy (i guess). I'm happy that we "survived" the training and a bit sad 'coz i'm going to miss some classmates from other SBMA departments who are really nice.

I'm going to miss our facilitator too, of course. He is Denny-Kim Myung-Ho, a Korean national, and the Managing Director of Washington International Language Center in Makati City.

What can i say about him.. he is so nice and accommodating to our never-ending questions on his lectures. He always have that smile on his face!

He is a Doctor of Philosophy in Commerce, Economics & International Management at the University of Sto. Tomas Graduate School

Here are some photos taken from the closing ceremony and our class party:

Posing with my seatmates from Public Health & Safety Department

with our classmates from Law Enforcement Department

with Sir Denny-Kim and classmates

our class picture

♥ ♥ ♥

We had a small party after the ceremony and Sir Deny-Kim was generous enough to bring on some soju (korean rice wine) for all of us.

and some kimchi.... as expected. =)

(good night)
